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Drop off and Pick Up

Registration takes place on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30 pm for overnight campers. No dinner is served, so make sure campers are ready for the evening when they are dropped off. Parents can register, meet the health officer, and help to get campers settled into their cabins. Counselors will be ready to greet campers as they arrive to the cabin!


Pick up is on Saturday mornings from 9-11 am. No lunch is served. Campers are signed out at the same location as registration. Please have ID ready to present when you sign out your camper. 


Health and Safety

The health and safety is our number one priority when it comes to our campers. During every camp we have a trained nurse on the grounds hours a day.  During the registration process we collect health history information about all of our campers.  This information will be kept confidential but all health concerns will be made known to the relevant people. 


Each child also undergoes a lice check during check in and cabins are inspected daily.  All staff encourage campers to use good hygiene including daily bathing and washing hands in the bathroom as well as before meal times.  


Most of our staff are former campers and ALL of our staff are passionate about Pleasant Valley Bible Camp and about your kids.  Our staff are interviewed and any staff over 18 are background-checked.  Every staff member also receives training regarding age-appropriate camper behavior management, CPR, and emergency procedures. 


All of our activity staff are trained and experienced in operating the necessary equipment.  All of our lifeguards are certified in indoor and waterfront guarding.  We are sure that our staff are prepared to keep your child safe and engaged.


Food/Allergy Procedures

Included in each camper's health history form are questions regarding allergies and dietary restrictions.  We run a peanut-free kitchen and are experienced in providing nutritious alternatives for gluten-free, dairy-free, and other diets.  



Our kids and teen camps are technology-free so please do not send your child with cell phones or other electronic devices.


If you wish to send mail to your campers via USPS, we will hand out letters and packages during morning chapel sessions.  Remember it typically takes around 3 days for mail to get to it's location so if you want your child to receive their package early in the week you may need to send it before they arrive.  Please address all camper mail as follows:


[Your Child's Name]

c/o Pleasant Valley Bible Camp

3606 Wilson Rd
East Jordan, MI 49727


If you wish to email your camper, send all emails to with your camper's name in the subject line.  Emails will be printed and passed out at dinner.  Please limit your emails to one email per camper per day.


Our staff are trained to help campers cope with homesickness.  Please know that we will contact you immediately if we have serious questions or concerns or if any emergency situations arise.


Daily Schedule

A typical morning at camp starts with a wake-up call, flag raising, pledge and prayer, breakfast, and chore time before 9 am.  After breakfast is always chapel time.  Then we have morning activity times and free time.  We take a break and lunch and have rest time and time to visit the snack shop before afternoon activities kick off.  After supper is time to visit the camp store and then an all camp activity.  Before lights out there is an afternoon/evening chapel service followed by a bonfire or a night hike.  


If you have questions about your child's camp activities or schedule, let us know.  

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